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    Min Price: $4

    Max Price: $120

  • $14.50

    Once you use cleaning paste you’ll never go back! This paste is so versatile, it can literally be used in any room in the house to make it sparkle. Baking soda gently but thoroughly scrubs clean, while Figgy’s liquid cleaning soap (Castile) lifts grease and grime revealing seriously clean surfaces!

  • $8.00

    A premium cold pack ideal for providing soothing cold therapy. Fast and effective, versatile and inexpensive. A reusable item with non-toxic biodegradable gel.

  • Placeholder Out of Stock

    A robust balm for application to specific areas after injury or physical activity.

  • $16.00

    Figgy & Co. have made you the ultimate natural dishwasher powder, with all the cleaning credentials you’d expect and none of the nasties. Packed only with active ingredients, their concentrated dishwasher powder will leave your dishes sparkling. Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with this product–there are no harmful residues left on your dishes, nor making their way into your next meal!

  • Out of Stock

    Need to top up your Figgy disinfectant spray bottle? Look no further–this 1 litre refill is enough to fill your bottle twice, saving you some pennies and Earth some unnecessary plastic!

  • Placeholder

    Need a spray cleaner that is heavy duty, but don’t want to compromise on your stance towards chemicals? Look no further!

  • $16.50

    This is the perfect soap-based, non-toxic cleaner for any room in your house. Detergent free, made with hero ingredients including Figgy’s powerhouse cleaning soap and essential oil–this spray will make cleaning up a breeze without chemical overload.

    Figgy’s bench spray comes with a durable leak proof and comfortable-to-use trigger. You’ll want to refill your bottle time and again from our refill range, saving you money and the earth some plastic!

  • Placeholder Out of Stock

    If you are already a fan of the Figgy bench spray then this is for you. The bottle and trigger on the bench spray is commercial grade and designed to be used over and over again. One of these bottles is enough for two bench spray refills–when you are running low, top up and go!

  • $18.00

    Repels mosquitoes, sandflies and other biting insects for up to six hours. Suitable for the whole family from twelve months old.

  • Placeholder

    The foam roller is designed to target painful trigger point areas to help sooth muscular pain and discomfort, eliminate uncomfortable knots and relieve tension.

    Ideal for a wide variety of stretching and massage techniques, this EVA (ethylene-vinyl acetate) foam roller can help improve stability, balance and flexibility, increase blood circulation and boost core strength when used both pre- and post-workout.

    These rollers are also widely used in the increasingly popular technique of Self-Myofascial Release (SMR), also known as: foam rolling, trigger point therapy, or self-massage.

    Simply roll the targeted body area over the foam roller to help relieve tense, painful muscles.

  • $12.00

    The 500 mL Figgy pump bottle is perfect for delivering the right amount of Figgy hand soap or dishwashing liquid. The classic shape of this clear glass bottle will suit any decor and comes with a Figgy label for you to apply for added pizazz (designed to be used with a permanent marker)!

  • $12.00

    Your search for the best glass trigger bottle is over! Let us introduce to you: the Figgy glass trigger bottle.

    In the current market, Figgy & Co. were the first brand to put cleaning products back into glass. Back in 2018, after an 18 month search, we presented to you all this little beauty right here, and it’s still the best around today!